Tuesday, October 1, 2019

States of Consciousness (unit3)

Conscious is our awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. 

Daydreams (there is a difference between daydreaming and fantasies): 
- we daydream to help prepare us for future events. 
- they can help us with our social development 
- can substitute for impulsive behaviors 

- Annual cycle; seasonal variations (bears hibernation, seasonal affective disorder) 
24 hour cycle- menstrual 
28 day cycle- our circadian 
90 minute cycle- sleep cycle 

Circadian rhythm- our 24 hour biological clock. Our body temperature and awareness changes throughout the day. It is best to take a test or study during your circadian peaks. 

- 5 stages of sleep
- Takes about 90-100 minutes to pass through the 5 stages
- Brain waves change according to the sleep stage you’re in
- First four stages= NREM sleep
- The fifth stage is called REM sleep
  1. Stage 1- falling in and out of sleep. Takes up 1-5 minutes. Is approximately 2-5% of a normal night sleep. Eyes begun to roll slightly, consists mostly of theta waves (Hugh amplitude, low  frequency (slow)). Brief periods of alpha waves (similar to those present while awake). Hallucinating and feelings of falling. 
  2. Stage 2- Baseline of sleep. 90 minute cycle. Occupies approximately 45-60% of sleep. 
  3. Stage 3 and 4- “delta” sleep or slow wave. May last 15-30 minutes. It’s called slow sleep because brain activity slows down dramatically from theta Ruth un of stage 2. Amplitude of waves increases dramatically. Delta is the DEEPEST! Delta sleep is a sleep deprived persons brain craves the fist and foremost. In children, delta sleep can occupy 40% of all sleep time. Makes children “unawakable” or dead sleep. 
  4. Stage 5- REM sleep. Rapid eye movement. Compose 20-25% of a normal nights sleep. Breathing, heart rate and brain wave activity quicken. Vivid dreams can occur. From REM you go back to stage 2. 
REM- body is paralyzed. Genitals become aroused. Erections and clitoral enforcements. “Morning erections” are from the final REM stage. A typical 25 year old man has an erection during half of his sleep. A 65 year old- one quarter.

1. Insomnia: reoccurring problems in falling asleep or staying asleep. Not your once in a while. It is not defined by the number of hours you sleep every night.
2. Narcolepsy: uncontrollable sleep attacks. Lapses directly into REM sleep (times of stress and joy, rapid eye movement)
3. Sleep apnea: temporary cessation’s of breathing durning sleep and consequent momentary reawakening. (You stop breathing in the middle of sleep)
3. Night terrors: Hugh arousal and an appearance of being terrified. Occur in stage 4, not REM and are not often remembered.
4. Sleepwalking: affecting 10% of all humans at least once in their life. Sleep walking often occurs during deep non-REM sleep (stage 3 or 4) early in the night.

Dreams: sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping persons mind.
Manifest content- the remembered storyline of a dream
Latent content- underlying meaning of a dream.

•Drug tolerance- the diminishing effect with regular dose of the same dose.
                Psychological vs. physical dependence.
•Drugs are either agonists(neurons fire)  or antagonists (neurons don’t fire), reuptake inhibitors.
•If a drug is used often, a tolerance is created for the drug. You need more to feel the same effect. If you stop using a drug you can develop withdrawal symptoms.

Psychoactive drugs-

  1. Depressants: slow down body function 
  2. Stimulants: arouse body functions 
  3. Hallucinogens: distort perceptions or evoke sensation without sensory input  
*Alcohol- slows down sympathetic nervous system. Districts memory processing. Reduces self awareness. Involved up to 60% of all drives. The worst drug from a macro perspective out there. 
*Depressants- tranquilizers. Taken to sleep (reduce REM sleep) taken with other drugs- you can get a synergistic effect.
*Opiates- has depressive and hallucinogenic qualities. Agonists for endorphins. Derived from a poppy plant. Morphine, heroine, methadone and codeine. All these drugs cross the placental barrier....teratogens. 
*Stimulants- speed up body processes. More powerful ones (like cocaine) give people feelings of invincibility. Ex. Amphetamines (speed), cocaine and crack 
*Hallucinogens- LSD (acid) hallucinogens cause distorted perceptions of the environment. Small amounts change how the brain functions. Brain cells fire at random, causing confusion and distorted perception of reality. 
*Marijuana; THC IS DIFFICULT TO CLASSIFY. Can amplify senses. 


  1. Reading about stages of sleep has cleared things up so much for me. I've always wondered why i feel like i am falling before i have the chance of falling asleep. According to your notes, it just means i am in stage one of the sleep cycle. Also, i have heard about how much drugs are bad for you since i was in the third grade but i always wondered, is it true? Reading your blog shows, what i have been told is true.

  2. Great set of notes, I gained lots of insight on sleep as well as psychoactive drugs. Keep up the good work.


Abnormal psychology

ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY- a harmful dysfunction in which behavior is judged by ——>> U- unjustifiable  M- maladaptive  A- atypical  ...